Frequently Asked Questions

What time can I check in?

Each hotel has various check-in times. In general, this will be after 15:00. Please check with the hotel directly for check-in arrival times for your stay.

What is my baggage allowance?

Please refer to your confirmation for baggage allowance details. If you are in any doubt, please contact us on the number given on your confirmation email.

Can I change the details or travel dates of my booking?

After your booking confirmation has been issued, if you wish to make any changes, please call us or email us at We cannot guarantee that we will be able to accommodate your changes, but we will try to do so.

I have not received or I have lost my confirmation e-mail, how do I get another copy?

Please call us or email us at

There is a mistake on my confirmation e-mail / documentation, what should I do next?

If you see a mistake on your confirmation e-mail or documentation, please call us or email us at and one of our advisors will be happy to assist you.

When should I check in for my flight?

We always recommend that you check in at least 2.5 hours prior to departure for a short hall flight, and at least 3 hours for a long-haul flight. Please allow extra time for any to and from travel to the airport. Please note that it is always best to check with the airline you are flying with for accurate check in times for your specific flight

I have a traveller with a disability or special need in my party, how can I make suitable arrangements?

Before making a booking, we would strongly recommend that you contact us to discuss your requirements. Hotels vary in their suitability and we would need to contact our hotel providers for their advice and instructions. Please note that requests cannot be guaranteed, and we cannot accept responsibility for any of our suppliers if they fail to provide the requested service(s).

What is the payment policy when booking with Mapped?

Full payment at the time of booking is typical for most travel products and services. However, if booking a package vacation, you may have the opportunity to apply a deposit only. Deposit requirements vary by departure date and supplier. Our website will reflect the payment required at the time of booking.

How can I make a change to my Mapped booking?

All changes are on a request basis only and may not be guaranteed. Please note changes to your booking may incur additional administration fees and/or an increase to the original price. Please contact the Call Centre to find out.

What is the cancellation policy with Mapped?

Unfortunately, we are not able to provide refunds for unused travel services or any portion thereof, nor is the price or value of unused travel services exchangeable for any other travel products or services. Any changes made to your current booking will be subject to the terms and conditions imposed by the provider(s) of those travel products or services. Travel insurance may protect you in certain circumstances and we encourage you to purchase the appropriate travel insurance coverage for protection. We also reserve the right to apply an administrative charge not exceeding $50.00 before taxes for cancellations or changes to bookings in addition to any such charges imposed by the travel supplier(s).

Typically, most providers do not provide any refunds in the event of cancellation or non use of any portion of the travel services.

I booked online, is my booking confirmed?

Online reservations are processed within 24 hours. You will receive a notice via email to advise your booking is being processed. A booking is considered confirmed once you have received an official invoice. Please note there are instances such as credit card verification, third party restrictions, fraud parameters, tour operator or supplier inventory changes etc. that are beyond our control and may disrupt or interfere with the booking process. In those cases, we will work with you directly to finalize your travel arrangements.

How do I get my travel documents?

All travel documents are sent directly to you via email. Airline tickets are issued within 24 – 48 hours from the time of the booking. Packaged Vacations, hotel and car documents are sent 21 days before your travel date.

How do I know if I have the proper identification to travel?

We recommend every Canadian citizen travel with a valid Canadian passport. Please note that certain destinations or airlines require the passport to be valid for 6 months from the date of travel. If you are not a Canadian citizen and/or are unsure of the documentation required for your travels, please go to www. or to find out. The name(s) reflected on the airline tickets, itinerary or vouchers must match your travel identification exactly. Inaccuracies may result in denied boarding at the airport or denied entry into foreign destination.